Missions: the Heart Beat of God

The Great Commission is the greatest task given to us by or saviour, to go and tell all the world that He died and rose the third day. Not only is it vitally important it is imposable to complete this “MISSION” without the missionary. As a missions hearted church we endeavored to have the heart of God and help missionaries go around the world.

We pray these articles and short essays can be a help to you, as you seek the heart of God

One of the most obvious things about World Missions and the Local Church is also too often overlooked. Due to simply misunderstanding how important it is that both the missionary and the church need each other. The question then is “How can any local church be obedient to the Great Commission without the missionary?” Thankfully, the Lord has given us the opportunity of PATNERING together to accomplish the great task Jesus illustrated this truth for us in the story of the woman at the well in John chapter 4. As He sat by the well, the disciples had gone to buy food. While they were gone, a woman of Samaria came to draw water and Jesus spoke to her about her need for “living water”. When His disciples returned, he told them “he the reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” What a blessing to be PARTNERS together in this great endeavor, to reach this world for Christ!