1601 SW 58th Ave. Amarillo TX 79110



“And of some have compassion, making a difference…”  jude 22

The Great Commission is the greatest task given to us by our Saviour, to go and tell all the world that He died and rose the third day. Not only is it vitally important it is imposable to complete this “MISSION” without the missionary. As a missions hearted church we endeavor to have the heart of God and help missionaries go around the world.

We pray these short articles are a help

Inspiring Stories from Real People

WES … “Growing up our family faithfully attended the Baptist church in our small town of Tribune, KS.   At twelve years of age, I went forward during a revival service and got baptized.  Only years later did I come to the realization that I was not saved…”

DONNA … “Was raised in a Christian home, and my parents took me and my siblings to church.  My Dad was in the Army and got stationed in Stuttgart, Germany.  We attended a small Baptist mission church in downtown Stuttgart, and at the age of 9, I understood I was a sinner and could not save myself…I continued attending church but I questioned my salvation.  

LORIE … “I thought that I was saved, but after we came to Central, I said “the sinners prayer” just to make sure. I acted as if the prayer itself that saves us. I learned “the sinners prayer” is not some magic words…

Maybe you can relate to some of these testimonies.  Many of us thought we were saved only to discover that Biblical Salvation is very different from what we believed or were taught.

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